Saturday, July 7, 2012

Miami Face-Chewing Attack Being Linked to Cannabis Use is Absurd

Was Miami Face-Chewing Attack Caused by Cannabis-Induced Psychosis by Noura Ibrahim

The fact that any connection was or is still being made between the "Miami Zombie Attack" and Cannabis use is just absurd. Originally it was said that the attacker had bath salts in his system, which was later found out to be false. They then stated that there were just traces of marijuana in his system. So that must have induced the psychosis and led him to snack on some dudes face right? Ridiculous. Humans have been smoking marijuana since the Biblical times, and about 20 million Americans smoke marijuana today. So since some nutcase decided to go all ape-shit and eat someone's face off, those idiots who call it "The Devil's Weed" automatically assume marijuana to be the cause of his actions.  At this point I'm beginning to think this whole story is made up and is just a marijuana prohibitionist propaganda piece against the nationwide political movements to decriminalize/legalize marijuana. Let's use fear to scare off those borderline voters who are yet to be convinced that marijuana legalization is in fact the best thing for this country and even the world. Let's use this rare face-eating attack to make them think that if marijuana is legalized that everyone will start eating each others faces and the "Zombie Apocalypse" will be underway. Pathetic. This is a prime example of how the media uses stories and falsifies the information in a misleading way to sway the thoughts of others on certain issues on the political forefront. So all I have to say to the marijuana prohibitionists is good try but you'll have to come up with something better than that to stop the marijuana decriminalization/legalization movement. 

grow, grind & prosper

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