Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Prime Example of the Benefits of Cannabis Sends Out Plea for Cannabis Oil Donations for Four-Year-Old Brain Cancer Victim Cash Hyde via 

     Here we have a touching story that solidifies the fact that cannabis can truly benefit somebody's life that is in jeopardy. As marijuana activists we aren't just a group of "potheads" looking to make marijuana legal so we can smoke all day and be "lazy and unmotivated", since that is what the "drug" does, right? Bullshit. As an activist myself I obviously believe that marijuana should be legal for medicinal and recreational purposes. Recently there has been a crackdown on dispensaries by the federal government, and dispensaries are in place to serve patients who need marijuana to treat several different conditions. Are there individuals who use and even purchase marijuana from medical dispensaries just to smoke it for euphoric reasons? Yes, I'm sure there are several people who do so but does that make them a criminal? No. Does that mean the government should close these dispensaries and cut off the patients who desperately need the cannabis for legitimate medicinal benefits? An even bigger NO. Well that is what is happening because of these dispensary crackdowns. 
     A prime example is a 4-year-old child in Montana, Cash Hyde, who suffers from brain cancer. Cash uses cannabis oil as medication to treat his brain tumor. Traditional treatments and medications given to Cash prior to the cannabis oil had all failed. With no other option Cash's father resorted to high-CBD cannabis oil in an attempt to save his son's life. This caused Cash's brain tumor to go into remission twice and he started eating and even playing like a child again. So ultimately these federal raids on marijuana dispensaries have cut off Cash's supply to a medicine that is keeping him alive and his cancer has returned. So this is just one of many situations where patients who need cannabis to treat their conditions and even to stay alive are basically being told by the government that they cannot have their medicine. Sounds pathetic to me...and to any marijuana prohibitionist that says they wouldn't want their child to have access to cannabis if it was the only thing that was keeping them alive, bullshit! Put yourself in someone else's shoes and let's be realistic. Marijuana prohibition is a joke. Time for change. Click the link above to read more about this touching story and ways to help out people like Cash.

grow, grind & prosper

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