Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Do Cannabis Coffee Shops Have a Future in the U.S.?

Are Pot-Friendly Coffee Shops About to Become a Thing in America by Alexander Abad-Santos

     With recreational marijuana now legalized in Colorado and Washington we will slowly but surely see the industry attempt to grow with the two "rebel" states glancing over their shoulders every so often to see how the federal government will respond. It's almost as if these two states have to take an inch a day until their toes eventually get stepped on by the big boot of the federal government.....

     However, maybe that day will never come. Maybe Colorado and Washington state will put together and enforce a detailed set of laws that will make recreational marijuana use a reality nationwide. These two states have a lot of work to do in the coming months to prove that these law changes can be applied and carried out smoothly in society. But let's be honest, as we all know smoking marijuana isn't anything knew. It's not just a fad. It's been around, people have smoked it and will continue smoking it regardless of any restrictions. People have always accepted marijuana use amongst themselves, but fear of the implications of using it has kept us in the "cannabis closet". So why not make a legal change to something that a majority of society now openly accepts? It almost seems counterproductive to go against the voice of the people anyways. 
     So how far will these states be able to take recreational marijuana in terms of a legal industry? That is a question that nobody has a clear cut answer to right now. However, if Colorado and Washington can reap positive benefits from doing so then maybe there is a future for the open acceptance of cannabis in America, even from those who don't indulge. Will I ever enter an Amsterdam-like coffee shop in the United States to have a smoke and a coffee to kick off my day? Probably not any time soon, but with the way things are going, hey you never know?!

grow, grind & prosper

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